The Hoosier Patriots Monday Morning Newswire for May 14, 2018 is attached for your review. Feel free to forward it to your lists or copy those who would be interested. Enjoy this issue and have a great week!
We are ALL in this together...
God Bless America!
In Liberty,
Jim Bratten
Director, Hoosier Patriots
Director, Hoosier Patriots
The Vanderburgh County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 3PM, in Room 301 of the Civic Center, 1 NW Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Evansville. Mr. O'Daniel will be there to present his gun control plan to the county officials. If you can be there for the meeting, please do so and get there by 2:30 so you have a seat. We need to show support for Second Amendment rights in Evansville.