Patriot Links:
Track Indiana Bills and Resolutions
Tea Party Training
Online Training from Tea Party Patriots.
FreedomWorks fights for lower taxes, less government and more economic freedom for all Americans.
Our mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
Heritage Action
We take the conservative policy visions outlined by our sister organization, The Heritage Foundation, and make them a reality. We ensure members of Congress hear directly from their constituents, including over 700,000 members of The Heritage Foundation and millions of others around the country who believe in our principles and share our vision of America’s future.
Conservative Review
The mission of Conservative Review® is to provide best-in-class analysis and commentary on conservative political speech, votes, positions, and elections.

Ballotpedia is the online encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. Ballotpedia's articles are 100 percent written by our professional staff and a small group of guest editors. All content written by our guest editors is reviewed and fact-checked by our staff.

Other area Tea Party Groups
Warrick Tea Party
Tri-State Tea Party
United FreedomMakers
Henderson County Tea Party Patriots
The United FreedomMakers Daviess Co. Kentucky
Tea Party Patriots of Kentucky
Hancock Co. Tea Party Patriots
Kentucky Freedom Coalition
Jasper Tea Party
Corydon Tea Party

Links of interest.